As far as Neptune/Pisces influences go, I am an expert with a triple dose of mystique - venus-sun- mars conjunction in H6- pisces stellium (which is basically 3 or more planets in the same sign in the same house). My Neptune in Sagittarius is in H3 opposing my Gemini moon H9. Gemini Moon trine Aquarius mercury trine Libra pluto (Grand air trine, looks like a triangle)
Basically, Im ultra sensitive with a strong imagination. Prone to confusion yet highly motivated by my emotions. I go through phases of insecurity which has been deeply rooted from my "tough" childhood (saturn conjunct Libra ascendant ~ rising sign) Yet, Im able to see the positive in even the worst situation (Jupiter conjunct ASC). This might make me seem manic-depressive on the outside. Internally, my confidence is high, Pisces-Neptune is the antithesis of ego so I just do not let my ego control the way other see me.
I will explain birth charts in another blog - just think of the wheel as a pizza separated into 12 slices, representing the 12 signs.
star-crossed lovers |
Lovers whose relationship is doomed to fail are said to be “star-crossed” (frustrated by the stars), because those who believe in astrology claim that the stars control human destiny. William Shakespeare used the phrase to describe the lovers in Romeo and Juliet. |
Truth be told, Pisces are highly subjective. To less seasoned souls, they may believe we are egocentric, lets leave that to arrogant Aries, the 1st sign & eternal infant of the zodiac. Dont get me wrong, Mars & Neptune share an undeniable Karma & passion. Aries people may seem naive & self centered yet they are wide eyed, always happy, & carry huge hearts. Nobody is perfect.
Pisces, in fact are the most empathetic sign. We internalize our perceptions. Often we make "big" decisions alone without help from anyone else. This is a weakness & strength. Since we are so afraid of being seen as helpless when in fact we really do need the help from stronger individuals who give us much needed confidence to accept who we are since we are insecure. Our intrinsic kindness & sincerity are a saving grace for every fish.
Neptune is an eternally mysterious & greatly misunderstood planet. Astrologically Speaking, this is a planet which represents "pisces"- the 2 fish connected by their tails. They are swimming in opposite directions.
One fish swims upstream to fight "higher" causes such as social injustice or spiritual persecution.
While the other fish floats lazily downstream feeding off the bottom & letting the flow of the river eternally dictate its life path.
Fundamentally, both fish are charming, glamorous, shy, compassionate, and forever fascinating. This is the "illusion" of nebulous Neptune. Any planet or person in direct contact of her haze will always see stars in their gaze.
Upon observing famous charts such as Marilyn Monroe & JFK including my own intimate relationships- I have come to realize that Neptune is the master of deception as well as the feeling that 2 people have found their true love or soul mate.
In the case of Miss Monroe & JFK, there infamous affair was doomed from the start. What made them fall for one another so deeply that he would risk his reputation & she would ultimately risk her life.
To start. her Neptune conjunct his Pallas Athena and vice versa (star crossed lovers). True they were both geminis. (with a tight sun conjunction)
Too many people judge astrology on sun sign alone with little knowledge on synastry.While the "sun" is an important element, representing ego & basic personality traits. Deep rooted needs, attraction, appearance- physical & public, thought process & more importantly KARMA are influenced by the 9 planets in our solar system, the moon, & asteroids.
If you look deeper in MM & JFK synastry chart, you will see that his "chiron: conjunct her "uranus"- this produces an exciting yet highly unstable & combustible relationship which starts suddenly & ends just as quickly. Marilyn had a grand trine in water signs which made her extremely touchy & much more sensitive than she appeared on the surface. The aspects which made her a convincing actress & popular were~ Gemini sun, Moon in aquarius Neptune in H1 along with leo rising.
Her beauty & charm are connected to her "Karma" - Chiron conjunct venus in aries at th top of her natal chart close to her MC (Midhaven). The public at large saw her as a beautiful albeit helpless creature. Anyone who came across her path could not help but want to love her & protect her since she seemed veulnerable even underneath her glamorous & independant spirit.
Romeo & Juliet had a strong Neptune influence that made the young lovers believe if they could not be together, they would rather die. Its the beauty & tragedy of Neptune. However, those who are saturated with too much earth are too heavy to experience the ethereal power of Neptune.
Pallas Athena (the goddess which the Greek city of Athens was named after) was also known as the virgin warrior who denied love, physical pleasures, for the sake of independence. She is feminine yet not tied down to domestic life. She was one of the only gods who could not be seduced by Aphrodite (venus). But in this case, she could not resist the power of Neptune (aka the Higher Octave of venus which is why VENUS is exalted when in the sign of PISCES).
Neptune is "pure" & "unconditional" as opposed to PLuto's obsessive - sexual- atraction. And venus is more of a romantic "seducer" & superficial love- all about image rather than substance.
The concept of "love at first sight" is strictly Neptunian. 9 times out of 10 it was all an illusion. Like being stuck in the desert for days without food or water. First you feel light headed, dizzy much like falling in love. Then the mirages appear as if they are real. You reach your hands out to touch it - nothing is there, its just a pretty image that will never be REAL...

The only thing real is earth- the most realistic signs like Saturn, a stern task master that rules Capricorn- the perfect balance for unrealistic pisces yet may be too grounded in facts. However, wise pisces draws itself to earthy creatures if she is mature & evolved enough. Taurus, ruled by romantic venus is a perfect sexual union- quite fertile in the reproductive department.
Virgo, the polar opposite ruled by mercury could also be a strong grounding point for the flighty fish. However, these people are so critical they must avoid mirrors. They might as well be a magnified glass that bares into the most minor physical & mental imperfections. The hypersensitive fish is unnerved by Virgo energy. However, they both bond over their need to serve- they can fight for the greater good & start a charity that help many people they may never meet in reality. Both are also humble & appreciate when others help them. Together, they can accomplish many wonderful goals since one sign has what the other lacks.
Do you have a strong NEPTUNE influence: Forgiveness, sacrifice, love-at-first sight, illusion, creativity, art, music, dance, service, universal love, fantasy, lucid dreaming, confusion, duplicity, drugs-alcohol-addiction, guilt, self denial...
My personal experience(s) with Neptune: *Coming soon*