Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Follow me on TWITTER: piscespoet312- links to a collection of tweeters I follow-

Some people would rather get even than get ahead, stay focused on where you want to go

— ∫O̷b̷s̷e̷r̷v̷e̷ (@HigObservatory) February 12, 2015

Via @CollectiveEvol

— The Push Daily (@ThePushDaily) February 25, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Eternal Dance.

🌹Love me or leave me. This is more than physical. Your touch is mystical. Opposite attraction. Mutual satisfaction. Your eyes are locked forever imprinted in my memory. 🌹We chose each other; there was a sacred agreement we promised to fulfill. Yet we are human, our gift is free will. We can block the vibration in our hearts. Through distance and distraction. Living In constant motion. Drowning in a sea of secret emotion. Sudden Separation. 🌹Energy cannot be destroyed only transformed. You will project this loss onto someone else less worthy of your cosmic energy. We effortlessly succeed in our comfort Zone. How can we fail where we know our way around in the dark, the light of true love is the spark!! 💗In fear, we end up alone with nobody to call "home".  We ignore internal development. We deny who is heaven sent. Love me or leave me. Life is a mystery cloaked in Fate & destiny. This is our dance for eternity. ❤️#crystalism312

Monday, January 19, 2015

Be an individual. Pursue your passion.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


"It takes a whole village to raise a child." (African proverb).

It takes a VILLAGE to raise a content child. It takes a TEAM 

to build a successful business. There is no shame in asking 

For help. I am eternally grateful for family, friends, & 

neighbors who have supported my independence by 

babysitting & taking time out of your busy day to show 

you care. Being left with a child was not a choice, however, I 
am in control of my own destiny. Nobody else's opinion or 

actions dictates my life direction. Only me. Keeping it real.

So what am I doing? Getting a B.A. in psychology. Building 2 

businesses. Raising a beautiful little lady.

We are living in a woman's world - a place, even our mothers & grandmothers would have never imagined in their wildest dreams...I want to see all my friends succeed. 

As a single mom - All single parents, have a special place in my heart - we can accomplish anything with the right TEAM whether it be family, friends, or co-workers. Our children are our fuel. They feed our fire to do more. To be more. All mothers want a BETTER life for their babies. All it takes is the right combination of motivation and support.

Our common denominator is our children: Our greatest motivator.

I take responsibility for my life. I own my mistakes. I do not blame others.

Never waste a moment sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Take action. Take charge.This is YOUR life. Start today. Do not delay.

Positive thoughts create positive actions that lead to abundant results - The Law of Attraction.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The world I know. (A Poem).

Once upon a time

I went wearily wayward

Into a wild world

Where I almost drowned

In a flood of emotions

And a sea of ecstasy

Where nothing mattered

Except you. And me.

Friday, December 20, 2013

A Poem for Paul.

"Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation."Charlotte Bronte

Words can never express the strength of our connection. We defy convention: with good intention.

Our relationship has blossomed like a flourishing flower. Becoming more potent every minute and every hour.

I have FAITH we will continue to grow. As long as we go with the flow. Steady. Slow.

I cherish the time we spend together. I want to be wrapped up in your strong arms forever.

I have so much respect for the way you project positivity. We create our own reality. You stand your ground. Sturdy and strong. Moving along. Always up. Never down yet two feet firm on the ground. Our bond defies logic. Gravity cannot pull us down. Only one year ago we bare knew each other. It took time for my heart to flutter. But butterflies are not what I feel. We got something real. Nobody can manipulate or steal. This is written from my heart. The only place I know where to start. True love, once found cannot be torn apart.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and to many, many more!!

Always & Forever,

Your muñeca. Crystal. <3 comment-3--="" nbsp="">

BIG BIRTHDAY shout to Paul Citroner!! I am proud to be by your side. To truly know you and what you have overcome.  You have accepted all of me. You treat Kylee as if she is your own daughter. My most cherished moments with you are not shared with the world but etched in my heart  Taught me the meaning of commitment. Today, I am blessed to have someone like you in my life. <3 .="" for="" i="" loving="" me="" thank="" you="">