Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Girls are taught at an early age

To hold back rage.

Emotions are to 

Be locked up in a cage.

Never openly displayed.

I learned to cope

Hanging by a rope of

Hollow hope.

Never allowing myself 

To fall.

OR Fail

And in the moments I felt


Anger was a reminder

I must survive.

A passionate purpose.

Spiritually & Creatively::

Carefully calling out my

Courage. & Compassion.

                Powerful. I am not a "feminist" , this young woman is very brave...whoever she is.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Human Beings have their flaws.

We have our scars

Too difficult to hide.

And relationship roller coasters

We choose not to ride.

I lost a child at 24

Don't have it me to lose

One more.

To Be a wife

Was never a goal::

To have my identity

Swallowed whole.

No thank you!

Its hard to trust

My heart these days.

So I sit in the shadows

Avoiding the rays.

Accepting what could never be.

Basking only in

My born again


Its not an easy path -

Letting go of wrath.

Holding on to

Anything sacred.

Scared to death

Of losing my breath.

Choosing acceptance over


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The 10 Rules for Being human.

The Ten Rules for Being Human::

1. You will receive a body.
2.  You will be presented with lessons.
3.  There are no mistakes, only lessons.
4.  Lessons are repeated until learned.
5.  Learning does not end.
6.  “There” is no better than “here”.
7.  Others are only mirrors of you.
8.  What you make of your life is up to you.
9.  All the answers lie inside of you.
10.  You will forget all of this at birth.

From the book “If Life is a Game, These are the Rules.” (Written by Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D., the “rules” have also appeared in “Chicken Soup for the Soul” by Jack Canfield.)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Its easy to stay stagnant:

An immovable force.

Day in and day out

Plowing like a horse.

Work. Work.

Tick. Tock.

Living life



Live like that.

a Robot.

You cannot program me.
Place me neatly into
your fantasy .

I will break the mold
Of your Illusion
Cause you confusion.
Until you break free of
Your own stubborn

If you are afraid of change -
If you do not care enough to
Make a move.
You have proved
Your point.

As for me
I change like the wind.
My heart is as vulnerable as
Wide- open waters. With no
You can never
You can try in vain.

Change is pain.
Yet I do it again
And again:

Love, break, shatter -
Putting my pieces back together
Repeating the cycle of
Society's force fed
Happily Ever After.