Friday, December 2, 2011

We Were Once in Love.

When you know its fate

Karma needs a clean slate.

You can know someone your whole life

You could be husband and wife

See them every day

Yet never really know what to say.

You meet someone in a moment

And its like the BEST time you ever spent.

Other times the tension is so intense

You are not sure if you want to run or stay in excess.

Your heart races -

your hand traces

the outline Of their skin;

even the clothes they are in

Reminds you of a time long ago

The look in their eyes.

You can actually SEE into HIS soul -

His pain and joy.

In an instant you KNEW you ONCE "loved" this boy

So long ago. He came back into your life so you can GROW:

Together or apart: Thats up to your OWN heart.

Now he is a man and you are a woman ~

Both of you are committed to your children

Nothing is stopping you from taking the chance

Yet neither of you can move away from*fantasy* land

Into a REAL romance.

HOW can you just walk away

When there is so much to SAY....

Remember THIS is *karmic*

Meaning this isn't meant to last.

Do not compromise your FUTURE

By clinging to the PAST.


Sunday, October 23, 2011


He had swindled her heart.
They BOTH knew it from the start.

Were her Lullabyes.

Words she NEEDED to hear.
They validated her fear.

She WANTED to believe
That there were NO tricks up his sleeve.

Even his HALF-truths were proof-
They were REUNITED to even an old SCORE:
But WHAT for?

Their ATTRACTION was mutual. It was MAGNETIC.
Yet he left her stranded. Feeling REJECTED.

Now we can let each other go
Release my soul.
There is no point in holding on
When we both know the timing is wrong.

She felt a FATED notion:
In another LIFE, she had BETRAYED his DEVOTION.

Payback is BITTER sweet.
KARMA has a funny way of pointing

Until we make things RIGHT,
Deceit dwelling in plain SIGHT.

The UNIVERSE will always have the UPPER hand.
Its not for us to REALLY understand.

Wisdom is KNOWING when to put things to REST.
It hurts too much to feel your pain and regret.
We passed the proverbial test.

We shall REUNITE in another life time:
Maybe then, I will be YOURS
And you will be MINE.

Monday, August 1, 2011


We REAP what we sow.
DO we really KNOW?
At the TIME, the consequences
of our ACTIONS seem trivial.
Only looking BACK can we see
What we did was pivotal
In who we ARE today.
When we lack SPIRITUAL knowledge
and grounding
We live LIFE our OWN way.
EGO & WILL control our every move.
When I said: I'll NEVER make my mother's mistakes -
What was I TRYING to PROVE?
When my daughter was born
The FUTURE seemed brighter.
There was HOPE.
Slowly it began to SLIP.
Melt away:
like soap on a ROPE
It is over a year later.
There are still times
when I falter.
There are still FEELINGS
Left unsaid.
Habits that I wish were dead.
Yet, although I am very much alive
My SOUL is yearning to STRIVE:
To find some sort of MEANING.
The PURPOSE of MY existence
On the bosom of my being
Cannot be denied
While grasping for food
There a MIGHTY will to SURVIVE.
I NOW understand the TRUE
Meaning of LOVE.
Even the days when I am BLUE.
Heaven seems to open up ABOVE.
A light seems to SHINE
IS your TIME?
Now, I finally see
Filtering through a sea
Perhaps I already HAVE made
HER mistakes
And that is OK.
Life is not ALWAYS black & white.
There are SOME shades of GREY.
You do not have to be anyone but
WHO you were meant to be.
YOU are allowed to make mistakes.
Find MIRACLES in LUCKY breaks.
Acknowledge suffering as PART of this
Never REGRET your first KISS.
Even MOTHERS are only flesh & bone.
I have forgiven her lapse in judgment
We even talk on the phone.
Although she has never met her grand daughter.
That is alright.
At least, I have come to this Poignant point:
When I rest my head to sleep at NIGHT
I'm letting go of this FIGHT.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


LOVE is an *ACTION* Focus on LOVE ♥ NOT HATE. Love ♥ your mother,

father, sister, brother. LOVE your neighbor. Your friend. FORGIVE your

enemy. FORGIVE those who abandon you. Those who misunderstand you.

HATE begets Hate. ONLY LOVE can CONQUER hate. Hate will always


You can NEVER, should NEVER fight hate with more hate. We all have

made that mistake. ERASE "hate" from our vocabulary... If you TRULY

want PEACE ~ SHOW love, feel love. BE the walking, talking, living,

breathing example of PURE, RAW, 100% L*O*V*E* It is not a misused

word or over used word. In fact, LOVE is a word not used enough look

around - people who gossip, back stab, lie, cheat, steal, hurt ~ It is out

there. The world is not innocent. We are all guilty. Myself included. JUST

ONE 4-letter word LOVE can encompass ALL the JOY we hold in our hearts.

OUR SOULS were meant to SHINE. Our SPIRITS are meant to be LIFTED.

Just LOVE ♥. Have a WONDERFUL Weekend!!


“Everything I've accomplished I've accomplished through the GRACE of God and pure stubbornness” ~ Mary Fairchild

G*R*A*C*E is not only a woman's name.

GRACE simply means: we don't always GET what we WANT in LIFE & we ACCEPT that. Most importantly, we APPRECIATE & RESPECT those who care for us on a daily basis.

Grace is KNOWING how to handle ANY situation under pressure. Its knowing when to walk AWAY. WHEN to let GO. To be GRACEFUL is an ACTION. We can also LAUGH at ourselves instead of crying or be hard on yourself.

For example when someone "slaps" you (figuratively), you don't have to slap them back... There is no situation we face that is too GREAT for us to HANDLE. That is why GRACE is GOD -given. Ladies & Gentlemen:

WALK in GRACE Always, your friend,

C. :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

I am a SINNER.

"Hate the sin, love the sinner." (Mahatma Ghandi is the person who said this.)

Here is a confession. I am not posting links, sermons, bible scriptures to ACT "Holier than thou" or seek approval from anyone in particular. This is a SINCERE plea. My only HOPE is to bring people I CARE about to be CLOSER to JESUS.

Of course, if you want a RELATIONSHIP with HIM, you must initiate it. I cannot do it for you. If you are feeling depressed, lost, empty inside - it is easier to turn to negative "quick" fixes such as sex, drugs, alcohol abuse, etc...The ONLY one who has made me CHANGE for the BETTER is God's Love for me. I probably sound like a broken record.

This does not mean that once we REPENT. We CAN continue to commit SINS & be forgiven anytime. This freedom is the beginning of hard work. We must change from the INSIDE-OUT *not* the other way around.

The ONLY way to OVERCOME evil is with GOOD. Overcome hate with LOVE.

We are ALL SINNERS saved by G*R*A*C*E*

WHAT does THIS mean?

Basically, JESUS is GOD in HUMAN form (flesh). AND he came to earth to SAVE us from our SINS because he KNOWS we are ALL *sinners* Furthermore, there is NO such thing as ONE sin WORSE than another.

Here is a LINK for further reading & understanding of God's word. His promise to us. Again, I will reiterate that I am NOT a minister or affiliated with any religious denomination. I am simply a young woman who LOVES GOD .
The LORD has brought me so much PEACE & UNDERSTANDING of the WORLD & PEOPLE. All I would like to do sincere from my HEART is to share it with YOU (whoever reads this blog).

The only ETERNAL sin that trumps them all is the REJECTION/ DENIAL of GOD.

Those who deny God & his word can repent. Keep in mind, it is never too late to turn your life around into a POSITIVE direction. EVEN while on the CROSS, JESUS forgave :
Luke 23:34a (KJV)  Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for  they know not what they do.  

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Imperfection is the way GOD intended.

Disclaimer: The following post is MY opionion (P.O.V.) I am not speaking for God. I am not affiliated with a "religious" cause or denomination.

Relationships & people are NOT perfect. GOD is the only perfect being. We have Free Will (aka the CHOICE to take any road we please) Right now, homosexuals will have the RIGHT to choose whether they want to MARRY their partners or not. I've heard people say: Being Gay is a choice. Says who?

Recently, I had a talk with friends on this topic. What if your daughter comes out as a "lesbian" when she grows up? I will have a REASON to LOVE & adore her even more (my response). Nobody chooses to be different. From what I have seen, since homosexuals are in the "minority" they have a harder road to travel. Please have some COMPASSION & EMPATHY. If you do not know what those words mean. Look them up:

For the Judgmental, hateful religious fanatics remember this: 1. God is LOVE 2. We are not supposed to judge others. JESUS said: Matt. 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." & "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." in other words - do not be a HYPOCRITE. 3. ALL sins are EQUAL in the eyes of God. The GREATEST *sin* of all is denying GOD. Naturally if you are an ATHEIST/non believer this will not make sense to you. My point is - JESUS, himself NEVER said it was a SIN to be gay or homosexual. Read the NEW TESTAMENT *before* jumping to conclusions!! I have many gay friends who happen to be very sweet, gentle, kind souls. It hurts me as it must hurt Jesus when other people misrepresent Jesus' words of *unconditional love* & acceptance. Some of you may not agree. That is your right. Thank you for reading:)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to VALUE of FRIENDSHIP. Without being a doormat.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
There are times in our life when a "friend" is CLOSER to us than our own flesh & blood. Our bonds with friends can be tighter than a brother or sister. Even parent & child. However, when do we know we have had ENOUGH.

How many times can we forgive a friend who continually hurts us? Is it smart to remain friend with anyone who continually abuses us verbally, emotionally, etc...

Don't be a VICTIM. Instead, be aware of the signs of a sincere friendship & a one-way friendship.

  • A TRUE friendship is more VALUABLE than GOLD. These relationships provide us with much meaning & purpose. Often even when our own family don't understand us - we go to a friend for ADVICE. Usually they don't tells us what we want to hear. Again, a TRUE friend is HONEST & will tell us what we NEED to hear at the time - the TRUTH.
  • A FRIEND will ALWAYS be there for you DAY or NIGHT. We cannot always be physically present to each other. Sometimes, just LISTENING is all a friend needs to feel better. It's reassuring to KNOW someone CARES about us in times of trouble & confusion.

Some say the TRUTH hurts. It does but a friend will not tell you the cold, hard FACTS to hurt you. NO. The should be looking out for our best interest. SO if someone claims to be your *friend* However, you are not exactly sure what their INTENTIONS are...OBSERVE their ACTIONS not only their (sweet) words.

Proverbs 27:5-6

An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.

Lets discuss the TOP ways to determine a TRUE friend from a FAKE!!

  • A TRUE friend will forgive you even when you were wrong. And vice versa. Being RIGHT all the time might make you feel good but it is not what makes a lasting relationship. Don't be too PROUD.
  • Anyone who steals, lies, uses you is NOT a friend. It is wise to FORGIVE them. Never forget. Move on.
  • A TRUE friend knows the power of the words: I am sorry. You will be able to feel if it is from their heart or a lie...Sorry is not a jail out of free card. Observe: If someone hurts you over & over. Stand up for yourself. If they do not need the strength to let the friendship GO.
  • If you can never EXPRESS yourself genuinely without being judged, criticized, or belittled - that is NOT an equal relationship.
  • TRUE blue friends VALUE one another's opinions even if they do not agree. They always find a MIDDLE ground. Peace. (Would you rather be RIGHT or HAPPY?)

I have friends from all religions & lifestyles. It is not my place (or yours) to judge the way they live. We may not always agree with the way our friends think but as long as their values do not clash too severely with someone, be generous, sympathetic, & understanding. You never know when you will need a friend:)

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

*MOTHER'S DAY* 2011 ( A Poem)

A mother is a gift from Heaven
Whether you are 7 or 97.
You can appreciate her significance.
Her hugs are pure bliss.
Not to mention the sugar in each kiss.

Her cuddles, hugs, and snuggles
Are almost impossible to duplicate.
Her smile, like the sun -Will forever radiate.

Etched in the DEEPEST memory
Of a child's heart - Mother's love
Can never be forgotten or torn apart.

Today we are celebrating "motherhood".
A women's role - often misunderstood.
Let us take a moment and give credit
Where we should.

To give birth does not automatically make
One qualified for the job (so-to-speak)
This is only the START: sorting out the
Strong from the weak.

Keep in mind, mothers were once
Children too and probably didn't like to be told
what to do as we mature, we find what they say is true:

To scold is to be kind.
When your children are safe
There is no greater peace of mind.
Each moment is a blessing from angels up above.

I would like to take the time to honor the
Mothers here with us today.
Each special in her own way.
In fact, every day should be MOTHER'S DAY!!

Cindy, Jennifer, Grace, Katie, Mama Ko, Grandma Mary, Diane,
Last but NOT least - my Mother & Kylee's grandma Fifi :

For all that you are. How you inspire me in every single way:)
Peace & Love X O X O

Saturday, April 2, 2011


The work of Ida, to call down from Heaven - A blessing on her labours for the world.
~Lord Alfred Tennyson

Ida broke the mold in 1929:
Petite Neapolitan Vixen ~
She's one-of-a-kind.

Ida is a feisty fighter.
A warrior woman through & through.
Bubbly blonde with eyes sky blue.

A Bold Beauty
with the glamour of Heddy Lamarr.
Note to Hollywood:
Ida Cillo would've gone far...
Farther than any STAR on the walk of Fame.
Oh, with that face & that Proud name!!

Ultimately, she dedicated her life to family & friends.
She married a man named Mike
And told her other admirers to take a hike!!

Born on All Fools Day:
This woman I would never mock.
Tis true to say
she's made of STRONG stock.

She gives more than she takes.
A quality that is truly a treasure.
Mother, wife, sister, aunt, daughter -
Grandmother...every role is a pleasure
Beyond measure.

*Happy Birthday* dear IDA.
Please let us ask you:
"How does it FEEL to be 80 plus 2?"

We LOVE you!!! XOXO