Saturday, May 9, 2009

Drifting (new poem)

Streaming in and out of conscious thought
Screaming inside - out tongue tied knot.

As feelings faded
For the one I left behind
Our bond dissipated

We fell apart:
Searching for a brand new start...

I see you through hazel eyes
Green, gold, and wise.

You - full of force
On the brink of
an emotional divorce.

Your mind is narrow,
I pick at it like marrow.
Your words get caught
Between my lips-

Romanticizing innocence
Of a first kiss...
anticipating Bliss.

You pull me close:
grip my hips
I pull away
leave lust for another day.

Our emotions are aligned:
Laughter perfectly timed.

In the privacy of your place
Our thoughts begin to race.

In public you hold my hand
I let you be in Command
You believe I'm in your grasp.

Im practicing restraint*
You couldnt make me relapse.

In bed you hold me close
You watch me sleep
Like a blooming rose.

You dont know how much
I want to run-
Drift off into the sun.

Love or infatuation?
Something above
is assessing the situation.

Let me drift along the stream
Into your steady arms
Out of an ephemeral dream.

XOXO ~ Crystal