Monday, December 23, 2013

The world I know. (A Poem).

Once upon a time

I went wearily wayward

Into a wild world

Where I almost drowned

In a flood of emotions

And a sea of ecstasy

Where nothing mattered

Except you. And me.

Friday, December 20, 2013

A Poem for Paul.

"Life is so constructed, that the event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation."Charlotte Bronte

Words can never express the strength of our connection. We defy convention: with good intention.

Our relationship has blossomed like a flourishing flower. Becoming more potent every minute and every hour.

I have FAITH we will continue to grow. As long as we go with the flow. Steady. Slow.

I cherish the time we spend together. I want to be wrapped up in your strong arms forever.

I have so much respect for the way you project positivity. We create our own reality. You stand your ground. Sturdy and strong. Moving along. Always up. Never down yet two feet firm on the ground. Our bond defies logic. Gravity cannot pull us down. Only one year ago we bare knew each other. It took time for my heart to flutter. But butterflies are not what I feel. We got something real. Nobody can manipulate or steal. This is written from my heart. The only place I know where to start. True love, once found cannot be torn apart.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and to many, many more!!

Always & Forever,

Your muñeca. Crystal. <3 comment-3--="" nbsp="">

BIG BIRTHDAY shout to Paul Citroner!! I am proud to be by your side. To truly know you and what you have overcome.  You have accepted all of me. You treat Kylee as if she is your own daughter. My most cherished moments with you are not shared with the world but etched in my heart  Taught me the meaning of commitment. Today, I am blessed to have someone like you in my life. <3 .="" for="" i="" loving="" me="" thank="" you="">

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Wedding Vows....( A poem)

Too many materialize the meaning of marriage - 

CHAINED to a legal & binding contract:

Two Signatures on paper is a permanent pact.   

Women fantasize about a sizable ring and a big "phat" WHITE wedding.

What makes a marriage work is daily DEVOTION -

And a commitment DEEPER than any ocean.

See, they are after the WRONG thing:

Chasing an impossible dream...

They say the vows:: In sickness AND in health -

In poverty AND in wealth.

What they really want is a FREE ride

Rather than to stand tall by their man's side.

When it's time to live up to their PARTNERSHIP

They either float effortlessly or

SINK like the Titanic SHIP -

Clinging onto *tiny* life rafts.

Afraid to drown - to drop their crown.

Leaving behind NO guilt or remorse

Until  the powers of a SUPERNATURAL force

Reveals to the LOVE they have lost

And the heartbreak avoided at all costs.

Consider this a REALITY intervention -

When you WISH for something to happen -

Put forth PURE intention.