CHAINED to a legal & binding contract:
Two Signatures on paper is a permanent pact.
What makes a marriage work is daily DEVOTION -
And a commitment DEEPER than any ocean.
See, they are after the WRONG thing:
Afraid to drown - to drop their crown.
Two Signatures on paper is a permanent pact.
Women fantasize about a sizable ring and a big "phat" WHITE wedding.
What makes a marriage work is daily DEVOTION -
And a commitment DEEPER than any ocean.
See, they are after the WRONG thing:
Chasing an impossible dream...
They say the vows:: In sickness AND in health -
In poverty AND in wealth.
What they really want is a FREE ride
Rather than to stand tall by their man's side.
What they really want is a FREE ride
Rather than to stand tall by their man's side.
When it's time to live up to their PARTNERSHIP
They either float effortlessly or
SINK like the Titanic SHIP -
Clinging onto *tiny* life rafts.
Afraid to drown - to drop their crown.
Leaving behind NO guilt or remorse
Until the powers of a SUPERNATURAL force
Reveals to the LOVE they have lost
And the heartbreak avoided at all costs.
Consider this a REALITY intervention -
When you WISH for something to happen -
Put forth PURE intention.