Love is not all about sweet - hearts, cuddles, kisses, & candy - true love is about compassion, forgiveness, & some of our life's greatest lessons of selflessness...
Believe in the "power" of true love - its not about finding that PERFECT
other ~ half... it works both ways - what DO you have to offer another person * what do they have to offer you?
Share: most of us grew up with siblings so we understand the concept: sharing means caring. Unless you were an only child, as you become an "adult", its only natural to be generous with our possessions...
Somebody told me once, its not important to be rich & powerful- family + friendship + love are the most important things in life...when people have too many "things" they become selfish b/c they feel they did it all on their own without anybodys help so why be generous with my time or money - people get a superiority complex...they end up lonely since nobody can love a cold person- perhaps he was speaking from experience- as always, I took the advice in & really listened...maybe he was right..Im not cut out to be alone anyways- most of my life, family has always been close by.
SOUL MATE: a person who comes into your life to show you the path you are meant to take- these relationships are profound as they are the time, the connection may seem confusing & lead to intense dislike. Thats only bc the bond was meant to be broken in order to GROW.
Ultimately, love brings us out from the "darkness" into the light- to bring joy into our lives, open our hearts to new experiences, broaden our horizons, & give us comfort.
$ MONEY $ : Emotional security & financial security are not mutually exclusive Can I be complete honest? Without a roof over your head or a stable source of income, love cannot flourish- I read somewhere that "money issues" was was the top reason for divorce...
Having loads of dough wont make someone fall in love with you - understand that. This is a material world & we need money to buy us creature comforts, in the end, we are not buried with it, so enjoy it: the positive things you do with your money could bring you admiration that could turn into love- who knows!
Its all about the kind of person you are - what are your values: religion, politics, do you want kids, where do you want to live + most importantly........where is your HEART? If you really want someone to cherish you - make a choice to devote yourself & commit wholeheartedly to someone you know you cannot live without: settling ~ down doesn't mean you have to settle. Stop searching for perfection.
SEX: nothing pains me more than those who say "sex" is the main marker of TRUE love...yes, its important to be physical...yet, physical comfort means so much more than wild sex- you can still love somebody without sex- its maybe not going to be a romantic connection but nobody should judge anyone else relationship unless theirs is perfect...lust is just not love....recognize.
As a rule, when the sex is amazing right away - thats the highlight of the longest, most meaningful relationships with men were when the sex was ok at first, we got to know one another & everything grew from our experiences getting to know one another- talking, going out to dinner, traveling, enjoying the company of that person...instead of staying in bed eating pizza all day lol. There is always time for that but it cant be all you do together...
Nobody could really TALK about LOVE, its truly a FEELING & an ACTION: an intense, passionate mixture of sparks b/t 2 people. You dont block out the world but CREATE your own world together where you can make a home. Its not supposed to be smooth sailing ALL the time. When you meet that person you will know: LOVE is in the touch & the tears in the shared laughter & fears- it never fades although the light may become dim from time to time - one of you will always start the spark over again...enjoy it when it enters your life. Don't FEAR it. Let it FLOW. If it ends, learn to let it GO with GRACE & accept the next lesson in your LIFE xoxo