Thursday, January 29, 2009


You & I were always better off face to face
When we were in the same place.
Maybe we were meant to meet
But the timing was wrong-

I always felt comfort in your arms -
Always felt safe as if I was
protected from harm- it was
almost immediate comfort.
Underneath it all was uneasiness...

It was something we both 'knew'
all along.
You gotta give us credit:
there were so many elements
Going against us
perhaps it was love
We just hopped on
the bus too soon.

There were emotions emitted
An exchanging of ideas
That was you after a few beers.
The chemical reaction was unreal
As we spoke until day break.

I'm surpirsed we didnt get kicked out
With only half a cup of black coffee
and your unsavory "tea"
Maybe they saw the magic:
You said in a moment-
I was your destiny.

Something felt real & immediate
In the bright light- my makeup
Slowly slipping off & my blonde
Hair extensions concealing my

We decided to cab it back to your hotel
Across town, for once traffic wasn't hell-
It was after Christmas but before the
"New year"- how did you find
Me all they way over there?

Was it my decision to become a lady of
the night - its NOT what it sounds
like - I always preferred the light.
It must have been your
Trans-atlantic flight:
You had just got in.

Within hours - we met, became one
then set off into the sun, that was only
The beginning- neither of us were ready
For what was already begun.

Crystal xoxo.