Disclaimer: The following post is MY opionion (P.O.V.) I am not speaking for God. I am not affiliated with a "religious" cause or denomination.
Recently, I had a talk with friends on this topic. What if your daughter comes out as a "lesbian" when she grows up? I will have a REASON to LOVE & adore her even more (my response). Nobody chooses to be different. From what I have seen, since homosexuals are in the "minority" they have a harder road to travel. Please have some COMPASSION & EMPATHY. If you do not know what those words mean. Look them up: http://www.merriam-webster
For the Judgmental, hateful religious fanatics remember this: 1. God is LOVE 2. We are not supposed to judge others. JESUS said: Matt. 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." & "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." in other words - do not be a HYPOCRITE. 3. ALL sins are EQUAL in the eyes of God. The GREATEST *sin* of all is denying GOD. Naturally if you are an ATHEIST/non believer this will not make sense to you. My point is - JESUS, himself NEVER said it was a SIN to be gay or homosexual. Read the NEW TESTAMENT *before* jumping to conclusions!! I have many gay friends who happen to be very sweet, gentle, kind souls. It hurts me as it must hurt Jesus when other people misrepresent Jesus' words of *unconditional love* & acceptance. Some of you may not agree. That is your right. Thank you for reading:)