Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
There are times in our life when a "friend" is CLOSER to us than our own flesh & blood. Our bonds with friends can be tighter than a brother or sister. Even parent & child. However, when do we know we have had ENOUGH.
How many times can we forgive a friend who continually hurts us? Is it smart to remain friend with anyone who continually abuses us verbally, emotionally, etc...
Don't be a VICTIM. Instead, be aware of the signs of a sincere friendship & a one-way friendship.
- A TRUE friendship is more VALUABLE than GOLD. These relationships provide us with much meaning & purpose. Often even when our own family don't understand us - we go to a friend for ADVICE. Usually they don't tells us what we want to hear. Again, a TRUE friend is HONEST & will tell us what we NEED to hear at the time - the TRUTH.
- A FRIEND will ALWAYS be there for you DAY or NIGHT. We cannot always be physically present to each other. Sometimes, just LISTENING is all a friend needs to feel better. It's reassuring to KNOW someone CARES about us in times of trouble & confusion.
Some say the TRUTH hurts. It does but a friend will not tell you the cold, hard FACTS to hurt you. NO. The should be looking out for our best interest. SO if someone claims to be your *friend* However, you are not exactly sure what their INTENTIONS are...OBSERVE their ACTIONS not only their (sweet) words.
Proverbs 27:5-6
An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.
Lets discuss the TOP ways to determine a TRUE friend from a FAKE!!
- A TRUE friend will forgive you even when you were wrong. And vice versa. Being RIGHT all the time might make you feel good but it is not what makes a lasting relationship. Don't be too PROUD.
- Anyone who steals, lies, uses you is NOT a friend. It is wise to FORGIVE them. Never forget. Move on.
- A TRUE friend knows the power of the words: I am sorry. You will be able to feel if it is from their heart or a lie...Sorry is not a jail out of free card. Observe: If someone hurts you over & over. Stand up for yourself. If they do not need the strength to let the friendship GO.
- If you can never EXPRESS yourself genuinely without being judged, criticized, or belittled - that is NOT an equal relationship.
- TRUE blue friends VALUE one another's opinions even if they do not agree. They always find a MIDDLE ground. Peace. (Would you rather be RIGHT or HAPPY?)
I have friends from all religions & lifestyles. It is not my place (or yours) to judge the way they live. We may not always agree with the way our friends think but as long as their values do not clash too severely with someone, be generous, sympathetic, & understanding. You never know when you will need a friend:)
Proverbs 27:17As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.