"Hate the sin, love the sinner." (Mahatma Ghandi is the person who said this.)
Here is a confession. I am not posting links, sermons, bible scriptures to ACT "Holier than thou" or seek approval from anyone in particular. This is a SINCERE plea. My only HOPE is to bring people I CARE about to be CLOSER to JESUS.
Of course, if you want a RELATIONSHIP with HIM, you must initiate it. I cannot do it for you. If you are feeling depressed, lost, empty inside - it is easier to turn to negative "quick" fixes such as sex, drugs, alcohol abuse, etc...The ONLY one who has made me CHANGE for the BETTER is God's Love for me. I probably sound like a broken record.
This does not mean that once we REPENT. We CAN continue to commit SINS & be forgiven anytime. This freedom is the beginning of hard work. We must change from the INSIDE-OUT *not* the other way around.
The ONLY way to OVERCOME evil is with GOOD. Overcome hate with LOVE.
We are ALL SINNERS saved by G*R*A*C*E*
WHAT does THIS mean?
Basically, JESUS is GOD in HUMAN form (flesh). AND he came to earth to SAVE us from our SINS because he KNOWS we are ALL *sinners* Furthermore, there is NO such thing as ONE sin WORSE than another.
Here is a LINK for further reading & understanding of God's word. His promise to us. Again, I will reiterate that I am NOT a minister or affiliated with any religious denomination. I am simply a young woman who LOVES GOD .
The LORD has brought me so much PEACE & UNDERSTANDING of the WORLD & PEOPLE. All I would like to do sincere from my HEART is to share it with YOU (whoever reads this blog).
The only ETERNAL sin that trumps them all is the REJECTION/ DENIAL of GOD.
Those who deny God & his word can repent. Keep in mind, it is never too late to turn your life around into a POSITIVE direction. EVEN while on the CROSS, JESUS forgave :
Luke 23:34a (KJV) Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.