Saturday, June 28, 2008

New York City Dating Scene...oooooh...please dont take this blog too seriously...

Life is a huge farce, and the advantage of possessing a sense of humour is that it enables one to defy fate with mocking laughter.

Forget an "Ivy league" education... I went to the school of LIFE...I always write from personal experience. Before I was 8 years old I had lived in at least 10 different states including the US virgin islands. One summer, as a teen, an innocent trip to visit my birth parents in Oregon turned out to be the second time they would try to kidnap me- when I was 20, I dated a guy 30 years older & the chemistry was EXPLOSIVE- thats as far as I'll go- READ the BOOK. Coming sometime this decade=)

Now, at the tender age of 27, I'm going back to university in August to continue my higher education- all info Im providing is part truth & part humor- please don't take offense: we all have to learn to laugh at ourselves. Enjoy.

Dating in this city is TOUGH. Unless you are from New York, Manhattan or the outer boroughs: Im a Queens gal myself=) I never cared much for guys in Whitestone, where I grew up. In my teenage years, I ventured on the #7 train to times square, where I discovered older men with jobs, guys from Spain, Canada- I learned there is a bigger world out there than the town you live. It can be intimidating- Im just highlighting the WORST out there- the players, jerks, and losers.

To be completely honest, there are "good" guys in New York. Unfortunately nice & cute doesn't cut it in this city...
The options for women in 2008:

1- The out of town, ivy league educated wanna be yuppie from a small town: he might be cute, sweet, intelligent but he is preppy & needs LOTS of training. He might be an intern or new hire at a big firm. "Mommy & daddy's" money got him far- it helped him pay for his loft aka bachelor pad on Wall street- he might be a genuinely nice guy but ZERO personality and/or life experience- he's good for an older woman who doesn't mind a little fun in bed + is turned on by INEXPERIENCE.

2- The middle aged Millionaire: He's self made. successful, charming, intelligent guy who seems to have it all- the business(s), the apartment(s), the passion- he is never boring. He wines & dines you & he is pretty hot in bed- the first time you meet he touches you, you melt....he gets you in bed & hes still Mr. Wonderful...suddenly you're moving in- going on mini vacations to the Bahamas, meeting his friends (not his family, yet....). Quickies sessions in the bathroom. Could life get any better...

Ok, this man might seem perfect. Its a front. This doe not make him a bad person because he will never commit- to you or any other fabulous woman. In fact, he would not know how to recognize the perfect woman if her lips were in between his legs - to his benefit, he never makes promises. he lets you know he cares about you but want to keep options open. If hes a decent person, he will be upfront.

Just remember: you cannot change him no matter what you do or say- dont take him on as a charity case thinking you're that one woman in 40 years who will make him commit 100%

3. The promoter- he gets you into all the parties & life is fun, exciting, sexy- you're never bored- neither are the other 100 women he is sleeping with/flirting with/promising he will introduce her to so & so & make her into a STAR...whatever you do~ don't sleep with him: he will still get you into parties- jut learn how to be a master me, its not worth getting an STD just to skip the line into a club- there will always be another club & another sleezy promoter trying to f'k you.

4. The European- hes got the accent, fashion sense, romance- he's just oozes sex appeal & he wants YOU....think twice- he want to get you in bed & he knows its easy- all he has to do is TALK. Unless he takes you to dinner & NOT straight to his apartment- again, just keep it light....give him a pair of your underwear- European men love that! On the plus side, they are much more open minded about social taboos- if you're a free spirit, this man might be your perfect match- just dont expect him to be available when you need a real connection...he just wants you for your body.

5. The douche bag- hes broke, drug dealer, coke head, toy boy (in his mind)...whats wrong with this guy? Everything: he never has enough money, sex is unsatisfying Unless he has a big d*ck, there is nothing this guy has that women would any rational, smart woman at least, yet he still has a way of justifying his bad attitude + behavior. Unfortunately women fall for him & he gets them evicted or thrown in jail- there isn't much to add here but please STAY AWAY - he is made for that lonely desperate middle aged woman or the young pretty one who is impressed by his ability to weave words around her pretty head...beware.

6. The trust fund baby (boy). He cannot do anything spontaneous unless he calls the lawyer who is holding on to his money for decades- his bank account may NEVER run out,but your patience will. He is spoiled & used to getting his way ALL the time. When you tell him you have to work, hes confused. He probably is emotionally & sexually attached to you if he even considers you his girlfriend- ultimately he will end up with another trust fund baby or he will still date you & take "Victoria" to the Hamptons instead so you can slave over your ordinary office job while he parties his life away. The benefit is, you get to fly out Europe during christmas & bbqs all summer long at his multi milion dollar vacations homes: which he inherited.

7. Mr. Merrily Married- He's so happy- he's got the career, kids, & perfect Trophy wife and to top it off with a big juicy cherry....he's got you ~ young, hot, just a phone call away- its a fun & spontaneous union from the START- sex in 5 star hotels- sex in the elevator- he treats you to room service in the morning- you can check out at your leisure- the problem is: he's NOT there when you wake up- he went back to his "normal" life.

This man leads a double life of sorts- by DAY he's a savvy lawyer, devoted DAD, hospitable hubby- but he is BORED...he needs excitement, variety- hes got some extra cash so he can afford the fancy hotels & a lovely lady to wine & dine when he feels his real life is caving in- besides he wasn't a bachelor too long ago- he may promise you: I will leave my wife...He WONT.
After months, possibly years of JERKING you around he suddenly has an EPIPHANY ~ Really I love my family- how could I disappoint my parents or separate MY children from their this point you're so in love with his SORRY ass.

Remember, you're not in love with him- as strange as i seems- meeting up at hotels for steamy 2AM trysts doesn't = an actual relationship. He may have opened up about his rough childhood or how he cant stand his wife's mother- that is just a moment of vulnerability- men have them too & later on, after the passion & lust dies, he will regret ever telling you these things. So do yourself a favor & don't get emotionally attached to this man.

Great sex NEVER = love.

The men mentioned above are just some I've come across or heard horror stories about from other women in NYC.

Have you ever met any of these guys or a combo...this is what I have found in New York, luckily, Im sticking with my British boyfriend- contrary to appearance, I believe whole heartedly he's one of my soul mates- we just go that "connection": whats 3500 miles + the great Atlantic Ocean-

“Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person.”

the prospects are scary out there. besides I quite like being "taken".

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The SEAL of SOLOMON: If you dont believe in Religion or astrology Beware....

Sir Winston Churchill:
Truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.

Its a little known fact that The 3 Wise men were Astrologers/Astronomers who predicted that "Baby Jesus" would be born when Saturn "conjuncts" Jupiter in Pisces.

The planets would also make a configuration we know today as: The Star of David

If you understand astrology configurations- Trines, for example which is basically 3 planets connected by 120 degrees. A grand trine is 3 planets in the same element such as Air, Fire, Earth, or Water.

A kite is an "extension" of the grand trine with a mini triangle connected to the bottom- 3 planets (90 degrees apart) form a sextile aspect- the pinacle of this triange opposes a planet in the trine - it actually looks like a kite which is how it was named.

The "Seal of Solomon" is similar to THE STAR of david - yet its enclosed in a circle (like a natal chart) and specifically Air & Fire respectfully.

Jesus was also supposedly born in March, Christmas used to be celebrated in March- during the time of pisces- this is why the "fish" is the symbol of jesus:

Please read my next blog explaining how this is connected to me...Thank you for reading this far. Crystal xoxo

Relationship Advice: What does it mean when a man tells YOU- "Im busy"

Excuses, excuses, excuses....

Whatever you do, DON'T nag him!!!

I'm busy means either: 1- He's busy: But seriously, is he the PRESIDENT???

2- He's TOO busy for you = He's not interested in you. Hey, at least he took time out of his "busy" schedule to RESPOND...if he IGNORES you all together ~ FORGET him=)

3- He is already taken- emotionally/physically: men can get "emotionally" attached to a woman as much as we do- the difference is- men are not comfortable feeling rare cases, they PUSH a woman away to avoid getting too attached.

If a man has a "regular" lady but doesn't want to LOSE you- he will never talk about the other woman & make you feel like the only one so he can keep his options open...remember that 2 can play that game..if you're not getting the attention you deserve, get smart & find a man who wants you in his WORLD not just hanging around in his life.

Honey, trust me, I know, its easier said than done. Especially if the sex was very was probably even BETTER for him. So why doesn't he take the time to get to know you better- the REAL you. The INNER you & NOT just your body?

For starters, if he is a busy successful guy- work is his PRIORITY. On the other hand, when he has a couple days of "down time" he has most likely have a bevy of beauties stored in his BLACKBERRY.

YOu might be ONE on his list but NOT #1.

So to protect your heart, do yourself a favor...keep your options open- have fun. If there was a real connection- he will miss you & maybe give in to am ACTUAL date instead of a booty call- this takes lots of time & patience on YOUR part.

I made this mistake many times & pushed the relationship fell steam ahead, not knowing what I REALLY wanted then when he wanted me, I backed off- its a game that can become draining, confusing, & boring- if the challenge gets PLAYED OUT...there comes a point when you want the game to STOP.

If he really cares & respects you he will find a way to let you know- he won't F*ck with your head. And most of all, he will make TIME for you because he knows what a wonderful woman he has waiting in the wings.

NOTE: Don't wait around for a man. always have your own interests- pick up a hobby- learn to enjoy your own company- make new girl friends- anything to distract from a guy- Its the HARDEST thing in the world to accomplish.

Men have a STRONG needy radar, I have learned- MOST of them sense any sign of weakness, they RUN for the hills- then they come back around when THEY need you- its up to you to decide if this is the kind of man you want.

Men who play these kinds of games usually did not have a nurturing relationship from their parents, particularly their MOTHER. I believe the parent of the "opposite sex" determines how we treat our significant others as adults- assuming you are heterosexual.

Men who have not MATURED EMOTIONALLY will keep reliving the relationship they had with their parent(s) until someone they really fall in love with points it out or they decide to change themselves because they are tired of being frustrated & lonely in intimate relationships.

If you have any once of self respect- stand up for yourself. The best thing to do with this kind of CONFUSING & HURTFUL treatment is walk away. Anyone with a conscious given time will see they were WRONG. I've been told by exes who I left that I was the best girlfriend they ever had bc I learned NOT to take their shit!!! Ladies, the longer you stay with a B*stard, the less he will RESPECT you. Believe it...

Break ups are never pleasant. Still, I walked away & never looked back, they still try to contact me via email or telephone- although I've changed my number more than shoes...Im harder to reach than secret service!

Men ALWAYS remember the "one that got away" ~ they usually think fondly of the good times- most dont really appreciate that YOU stood by him through the bad times b/c he felt UNWORTHY of love so he turns his own self loathing onto his "partner". Its NOT fair. Its the TRUTH: when you don't love yourself, you cannot love anybody else.

There are only so many emotional hooks we can use before we run out. If we don't learn to communicate better with the opposite sex, breakups & divorce rates will keep growing ~ families will broken. And children will grow up to be the inconsiderate a**holes who complain about today.

Practice Kindness, forgiveness, patience, & understanding - nurture your current relationship instead of having one foot out the door- something Im guilty of...

I guess if you have found your SOUL MATE- then give it all you got ladies. However, if he's just a jerk who has no RESPECT for you & your emotions, then walk away...and NEVER look back.

(I give the same advice to Women, we still have a long way to go too.)

Peace & Love,

Crystal xoxo

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fasinating Finds: Soulmate Synastry. (Intro)

MAGI (may-jiah) ASTROLOGY:

Is a branch of "Predictive astrology" which focus on important issues such as finance & love.

For example: When should you start a business or invest your money? Does my current relationship have long term potential. When will I get married? Who will I marry?

Astrology & intuition go hand in hand- you don't have to be psychic to be a successful astrologer. However, if you have both abilities, you can help others reach their potential better. I was born with a bit of both abilities- astrology is like a second language to me- from the second I opened an ephemeris, I could read it.

In school, I majored in English Lit. Minored in Education hoping to become a teacher. I went to esthetician school last year hoping to get a career in skin care.

It hit me, one day out of the blue that I have a "gift" for understanding people I barely know. I PICK UP their energy/vibes. I can pick up sounds that others cannot hear.
Ironically, astrological calculations are also mathematical (Math is my absolute WORST subject. I must study super hard just to obtain a B average)- luckily there are lots of software who make the calculations for us so all we are left to do is "interpret" the outcome.

**Astrology is an important subject in my LIFE. Its does NOT rule or control my life. It GUIDES me, like a road map...I understand there are many out there who DISPUTE its VALIDITY & I respect your OPINION. Check out: ASTROLOGY FOR SKEPTICS.

Astrology is often AGAINST science & RELIGION, again, I can respect that- Can we just AGREE TO DISAGREE...

I'm a SPIRITUAL person who believes in a higher power- I don't put my faith & energy into false notions. I whole heartedly believe in ASTROLOGY since its based on energy (physics) & the stars (astronomy) 2 respected SCIENCES.

From my observation & EXPERIENCE. The study of astrology is not evil. Astrology can predict current events, past events (such as childhood & even past lives). If you want to be happy- discover your authentic self & true relationships ~ Astrology is a TOOL. Sure their are rules but RULES were made to be BROKEN...

I will be the FIRST to admit there are CONTRADICTIONS with in astrology, but there are in science as well- I have friends who are doctors. I've been to therapy myself. Both my grandparents were doctors & TRUE SOUL MATES. My aunt who raised me is an Oncologist with a private practice- she graduated Med school in the 70's from Columbia University & had a scholarship to Einstein & Hunter colleges- we have discussed ASTROLOGY vs. SCIENCE - she cannot dispute the flaws in each- however she says their is much truth in:


There are VALID points or LINKAGES that connect us to true love & soul connections.

Sun- ego (Birth sign)
mercury (communication)
Venus - attraction (what we are attracted to)
Mars- sex/energy (what/who we attract)
Moon - Emotional needs (subconscious * mother)

Pluto- Intensity/Passion/obsession
Jupiter- Optimism
Saturn- permanence
Uranus- Exciting yet short-lived connections, unconventional (divorce, sudden break ups)
Neptune: Fantasy, illusion, affairs, unconditional/spiritual union

OPPOSITES ATTRACT: think of a magnet...conjunctions, trines, & sextiles make relationships "easier", too many could become predictable. Even BORING. Alsom you know one another SO well, you can pick on one another's FLAWS.

Too many Squares, semi-squares, inconjuncts = No compatibility. Although there WILL be tension & explosive sexual attraction, this will ultimately lead to hate. Why watse your energy on this kind of relationship.

Opposites= balance : True its love - hate. Push - pull. But you have qualities the "other" lacks & vice - versa. Oppositions are more indicative of 2 people who marry the ONE who COMPLETES them- together , they become whole & happy=) Beautiful union.

***Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie (prime example)

Why didn't Brad & Jenn last?

*Love Asteroids* The soul mate LINKAGES

{ A true conjunction are 2 planets in the same sign within 10 degrees of one another. Example: Person A ~ Chiron in 10 degrees pisces conjunct Person B~ Juno in 13 degrees pisces)

Chiron- The wounded healer- Linkages = marriage although there could be a lot of HURT in the process. On the other hand: much potential for GROWTH- Chiron bonds people esp. CONJUNCTION - "soul mate" connection (+ venus links= true love) (- Saturn links ~ control & restrictions- the Saturn person is dominant in the relaionship & holds on, even if there is no "love" for the sake of control)

(-) Too much of a GOOD thing: too many "chiron" links can lead toa turbulent relationship & lead to heartbreak.

Juno- 2 fold- long term relationship w/o marriage- when in contact with CHIRON (ex. Kurt Russell & Goldie Hawn)

Juno links to (mars & pluto = great sex between a couple) (Neptune = fantasy, unrequited love, mistress, affairs) These links are POWERFUL on a soul level, beyond primal venus-mars connections...past life.

(-) Too many Juno links can = illusion, unfulfilled - sexual- desires & lead to heart break)
There MUST be a "balance" like everything else.

CERES- is like like VENUS - My Venus "conjuncts" my boyfriend's CERES in H6 - he shows me unconditional love on a daily basis. This is also a very fertile relationship as CERES represents (mother & birth).

North Node (true node) ~ represents past life. any LINK from person A's NN to person B's personal planets represent who they were to them in a past life & how they can help them now (South Node connections). This is a topic that many books have been written about. There will be more info on the Moon's Nodes later.
More to come... What is soulmate synastry?

In my next blog I will write about "soul mate" experiences... and explain what a soul mate is.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Its a slow blog day...

Besides psychology & astrology & Tarot, I have also found truth in numerology. Although Im not a fan of mathematics or physics- numbers, are the only things that cannot be disputed-

How could you deny 1+1=2

Numerology studies our name/birthday in terms of numbers & there energy.

How does it work? Example, if you were born 12 March, 1981 = 3+1+2+1+9+8+1 = 7
(10= 1+0, 11= 1+1, 12= 1+2. etc...)

***I'm # 7 ~ What I found interesting is my closest friends & even my brother (who I have a love/hate relationship with) are mainly #3 & #5 = my most compatible numbers, thats when i began delving deeper into numerology is about exchange of ENERGY - like the zodiac wheel:

House 7 = sign of Libra which rules partner ships, marriage, commitment, more so on an impersonal level unlike the 8th house of sex & intimacy ~ both are needed to sustain a long term relationship - friendship & sex are important.


~Tarot card = CHARIOT

3 & 5 Compatibility (and vice versa)

This is an excellent combination, but because the partners are so compatible, they sometimes enhance each other’s less desirable traits as well.

John is upbeat, expressive, creative and playful. However, John is not always focused and the results of John’s productivity are not always useful. Mary generates a similar, sometimes restless energy. Mary, though, is more directed towards social activities, interacting with other people. Mary’s life style is dynamic and, if the decision is in Mary’s hand alone, this life style will involve lots of travel. If you happen to share a home, John and Mary, you will have little trouble creating a living environment and a life style suitable to both.

You both communicate well. Your verbal abilities make you a popular couple. In fact, one of the things that could trip you up is the popularity and easy social interacting, since you both - but Mary in particular - may have a tendency to become jealous of your partner. You both thrive on playing center stage, you both want to be in the spotlight, and this may cause an uncomfortable competitive atmosphere.

John, Mary can, at times, say things on the spur of the moment that are hurtful or reveal an underlying problem. You would do well reading between the lines, because, whatever it is, Mary probably won’t spell it out. Similarly, John likes to skim over the deeper issues in life, especially those in the emotional sphere. Mary needs to be aware that, even after being close to John for many years, much about John will never be revealed. This shows that, if you are not careful, the two of you could be experiencing deep inner turmoil, and your partner might not be aware of it.

The three and the five get along very well. John likes the way Mary acts and talks. Mary has a wonderful time with John’s wacky sense of humor and upbeat nature. It is a good combination that can last a lifetime. If problems arise and reach the kind of proportions that put this relationship in jeopardy, it is usually because the partners didn’t listen carefully to each other. Both the three and the five have a tendency to keep emotional problems on the back shelf instead of dealing with them. Then, once the turbulence reaches the surface, it is too late and the end comes swift and final. John and Mary, you have to pay attention to each other. Watch for subtle signs of discomfort or anger, and deal with it immediately in an open, direct and compassionately way. That is the key to sharing an inspiring, creative, lively, happy life.

3 & 7 Compatibility (and vice versa)

This combination of numbers in this part of the chart is particularly interesting. John and Mary, the different natures of the three and seven make for a relationship that either lasts for about two weeks before going up in flames, or remains exciting and powerful for a lifetime. If your relationship has existed for quite some time and can be considered stable, you may well be soul mates for life. If the relationship started recently and has already experienced considerable ups and downs, you should be prepared to let go. It is also quite common for this combination to turn from romance into deep friendship immediately after a romantic fall-out.

John has a restless, energetic, unconventional mind that happily explores the boundaries of creativity and originality. Like a kaleidoscope, the mind of the three changes colors and shapes and enchants those around it. Mary has a much more serious, but no less unconventional way of looking at life. Mary is an untiring seeker of truth and understanding. Mary gets great satisfaction out of quiet moments of contemplation and soul searching. In fact, Mary thrives on the clarity and realizations that come from such moments and from moments of spiritual enlightenment, which are common to those found with the seven in this part of the chart.

As you can see, you have very different approaches in the way you think. But, on the other hand, you have in common the fact that you both are unconventional and not afraid to wander off the beaten path. Although you have different needs and you find your happiness in very different ways, such ways are not incompatible. John and Mary, it is precisely your uniquely different intellects that make this relationship lively and interesting. You complement each other. You give each other something you would not be able to give yourself. John brings sunshine and an intuitive faith to Mary, while Mary offers John a taste of the beauty found in exploring the depths of life itself. Like the sun and the moon, you supply light and comfort. Although on opposite ends of the spectrum in some ways, you bring light and comfort to each other’s life and, as long as you don’t compete for each other’s space, you can live in great harmony.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Extroverted~Sensory~Feeling~Perception (ESFP)- The Performer/Joker -

~My Personality Assesment**~

*According to the (MBTI) Myers-Briggs Type indicator

*One of 16 psychological personality types.

*MBTI assessment , created by Carl Jung, famous psychologist:

E - Extraversion preferred to Introversion
S - Sensing preferred to iNtuition
F - Feeling preferred to Thinking
P - Perceiving preferred to Judging

Myers-Briggs description
ESFPs live in the moment, experiencing life to the fullest. They enjoy people, as well as material comforts. Rarely allowing conventions to interfere with their lives, they find creative ways to meet human needs. ESFPs are excellent team players, focused on completing the task at hand with maximum fun and minimum discord. Active types, they find pleasure in new experiences.
ESFPs take a hands-on approach in most things. Because they learn more by doing than by studying or reading, they tend to rush into things, learning by interacting with their environment. They usually dislike theory and written explanations. Traditional schools can be difficult for ESFPs, although they tend to do well when the subject of study interests them, or when they see the relevance of a subject and are allowed to interact with people.
Observant, practical, realistic, and specific, ESFPs make decisions according to their own personal standards. They use their Feeling judgment internally to identify and empathize with others. Naturally attentive to the world around them, ESFPs are keen observers of human behavior. They quickly sense what is happening with other people and immediately respond to their individual needs. They are especially good at mobilizing people to deal with crises. Generous, optimistic, and persuasive, they are good at interpersonal interactions. They often play the role of peacemaker due to their warm, sympathetic, and tactful nature.

How Others May Perceive ESFPs
Others usually see ESFPs as resourceful and supportive, as well as gregarious, playful, and spontaneous. ESFPs get a lot of satisfaction out of life and are fun to be around. Their exuberance and enthusiasm draw others to them. They are flexible, adaptable, congenial, and easygoing. They seldom plan ahead, trusting their ability to respond in the moment and deal effectively with whatever presents itself. They dislike structure and routine and will generally find ways to bend the rules.

Potential Areas for Growth
Sometimes life circumstances do not support ESFPs in the development and expression of the Feeling and Sensing preferences. If they have not developed their Feeling preference, ESFPs may get caught up in the interactions of the moment, with no mechanism for weighing, evaluating, or anchoring themselves. If they have not developed their Sensing preference, they may focus on the sensory data available in the moment. Their decisions may then be limited to gratification of sensual desires, particularly those involving interactions with other people.
If ESFPs do not find a place where they can use their gifts and be appreciated for their contributions, they usually feel frustrated and may become distracted or overly impulsive. They may have trouble accepting and meeting deadlines. They may also become hypersensitive, internalizing others’ actions and decisions.
It is natural for ESFPs to give less attention to their non-preferred Intuitive and Thinking parts. If they neglect these too much, they may fail to look at long-term consequences, acting on immediate needs of themselves and others. They may also avoid complex or ambiguous situations and people, putting enjoyment ahead of obligations.
Under great stress, ESFPs may feel overwhelmed internally by negative possibilities. They then put energy into developing simplistic global explanations for their negativity.

ESFP Relationships
ESFPs are fun and delightful to be with. They live for the moment, and know how to make the most of each moment. They are genuinely, warmly interested in people, and love to make others happy. They're usually very kind-hearted and generous, and are always going out of their way to do something nice for someone. Their affection is simple, straight-forward and honest. They dislike theory and complexities. They often resist forming relationships which require them to function on a high Intuitive or Thinking level. They prefer for things to be light and happy, although their warmth and affection runs deep. Their potential downfall is the tendency to live entirely for the present moment, and therefore to sometimes be unaware of the direction that their relationship is heading, or to be easily distracted from long-term commitments.
*Enthusiastic and fun-loving, they make everything enjoyable
*Clever, witty, direct, and popular, people are drawn towards them
*Earthy and sensual
*Down to earth and practical, able to take care of daily needs
*Artistic and creative, they're likely to have attractive homes
*Flexible and diverse, they "go with the flow" extremely well
*They can leave bad relationships, although it's not easy
*Try to make the most of every moment
*Generous and warm-hearted
ESFP Weaknesses
*May be frivolous and risky with money
*Tend to be materialistic
*Extreme dislike of criticism, likely to take things extremely personally
*Likely to ignore or escape conflict situations rather than face them
*Lifelong commitments may be a struggle for them - they take things one day at a time
*Don't pay enough attention to their own needs
*Tendency to neglect their health, or even abuse their bodies
*Always excited by something new, they may change partners frequently

ESFPs as Lovers

ESFPs embrace their love relationships in a Big way - similar to the way they approach their lives in general. They love to be in love, and will try to make the most of each moment. They take things on a day-by-day basis, and are uncomfortable thinking too much about the future, or making plans far in advance. For this reason, ESFPs are not natural long-term commitment people. They may feel tremendously committed on a day-by-day basis, but they do not naturally plan for their futures.
This commitment issue is a potential pitfall for the ESFP. Many people of this type overcome this potential weakness, and become involved in truly satisfying, lifelong relationships. Others do not address this weakness, and move from relationship to relationship without forming real commitments, convincing themselves that this is what they truly want.
Sexually, the ESFP is a very earthy and sensual individual who seeks and enjoys intimate contact with their partners. Living in the here-and-now, they throughly embrace and enjoy the experience with all five senses. They are generous and warm, and highly interested in making their partners happy.
ESFPs tend to be materialistic, and somewhat caught up in "what others think" of them. They should take care that this doesn't interfere with their personal relationships, since many of the others types will not be able to relate to their perspectives on these matters.
ESFPs do not handle conflict well at all. They take any sort of criticism very personally, and consider it to be a general indictment of their character. They may react with anger and harsh words which they would later like to take back. ESFPs would do themselves a favor if they would come to realize that criticism can be looked at constructively, rather than destructively. If they can hear criticism without feeling personally threatened, the ESFP will have come a very long way towards greatly improving the strength and health of their relationships.
ESFPs are extremely literal and concrete when communicating. They say things in a very direct, abrupt manner, and can sometimes even unintentionally seem quite harsh. They like things to be communicated to them in a similar, concrete fashion. They dislike theory and abstraction, and will frequently misunderstand the jist of a communication if it is not communicated in a factual, present-tense manner. Discussions regarding the future or the past are not the ESFP's strong suit, and in fact they're likely to miscontrue future-looking statements as something that needs immediate attention. When they discover that the discussion is not regarding an immediate concern, they become disinterested.
ESFPs are in general very warm and giving people, with simple needs and demands from their partners. They just want to be happy, and want to bring happiness to others. They are energetic and popular individuals who will liven up the social life of the couple, and keep many new experiences on the horizon.
Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, ESFP's natural partner is the ISTJ, or the ISFJ. ESFP's dominant Extraverted Sensing function is best matched with a personality that is dominated by Introverted Sensing.
ESFPs as Parents

The ESFP's "go with the flow", fun-loving attitude will extend to the raising of their children. They are warm and affectionate parents, and are great for giving practical care to their children. They like to do things in a Big way, and enjoy big families.
The ESFP will freely give love and affection to their children, but they frequently have a problem with defining a structured, orderly environment for them, and they may rely on their mates in this regard. Ultimately, the ESFP likely believes that too much structure is not a healthy thing for anyone, and so they're unlikely to enforce a highly structured or disciplined environment. If this trait is strongly present in the ESFP, and is not counteracted by their mate's perspective, it could be considered a potential pitfall for the ESFP parent. Children need some structure which can be depended upon as they grow up.
The ESFP is very practical and concrete in their daily needs, and are usually quite good at taking care of their children's daily needs. Although their approach to life is frequently "ad-lib", and their lives are almost always extremely full of exciting events, the ESFP is very good at juggling many things at once, which makes them especially good at handling the various issues which come up in a large family.
ESFPs tend to have difficulty with the authoritarian role, preferring to be their children's friend. However, they do expect to be given respect and to be obeyed when necessary, and will fall into the role of parental authoritarian at times. This can be frustrating for some children, especially those with strong Judging tendencies, as they will not know what to expect from their ESFP parent.
ESFPs are usually remembered fondly by their children for being fun-loving, upbeat, and affectionate, although somewhat scattered.
ESFPs as Friends
ESFPs are highly enthusiastic and effervescent. They are usually very popular, because people are naturally drawn towards them. They get such genuine delight and enjoyment from experiences which they encounter in life, and they love nothing better than to draw a crowd of people along with them for the sheer fun of it. ESFPs try to turn every day into a party, and they're usually successful at doing so.
ESFPs are highly valued for their ability to have a good time, and for their genuine warmth and interest towards people. They are extremely in tune with their five senses, and may be prone to overload them with too much alcohol, food, or drugs. They get along with all sorts of people, although they're not interested in spending time with people who they find boring, or who expect the ESFP to communicate with them on an Intuitive or Thinking level. Some people may disapprove of the ESFP's fun-oriented lifestyle. Others may be put off by their very stright-forward and blunt speaking style. The ESFP is likely to especially enjoy spending time with other Extraverts who have the Feeling preference, although they may have a special place in their hearts for people of any preference.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Venus in Pisces (Exalted): Urge to merge + Spiritual Marriage

How can you find your VENUS sign: online Ephemeris

Also, the house, where venus is located is important since the "sign" is the energy, in this case, PISCES Mutable water & the house represents how that energy is put to use.

What does "exalted" mean?
is a sign placement where a planet can most fully express itself- this is a combo that breaks down boundaries- the only problem, if there is nothing to contain this free flowing expression of affection love, & emotion- it could be poured purely on the wrong person.

The person who becomes romantically involved with such a person has to be stronger in the stability department. Or there will be much jealousy & unintentional insecurities:

Women (like myself) need a man who likes fishing to reel her in when she drifts on to someone or something that "appears" more interesting or can provide more security & creature comforts. She like to be pampered, massaged, fed- its not that she is materialist- she's just so sweet, easy going, cuddly. Look deeper. Lover for this woman must have a spiritual element for it to ever get off the ground. Unfortunately, if a lover cannot appeal to her fantasies- he will never ever win her heart.
*Key* Make it look effortless- if you try too hard, she will see right through the act. It has to be natural & sincere. Her ability to make anyone feel relaxed in her presence is a gift. All she really wants is her equal in that erotic zone.
All her life, others wanted to spoil her. If she's not born into a life of privilege life will be rather harsh & depressing. With a strong imagination & compassion:
She attracts the people she wants: Law of attraction.

*warning* Sympathy could be mistaken for love. Never confuse "feeling sorry" or wanting to "save" someone for REAL LOVE.

The man is similar: Hes a seducer, surprising romantic for a man- a dream boat. However this combo is feminine, not as strong manly placement- what he lacks in aggression, he makes up in romance. He might be the Playboy/toy boy- like HUGH HEFNER, an Aries sun with venus/moon in pisces H6. Another infamous ladies man, also an Aries sun with STRONG pisces placements including venus, mars, jupiter~ the epitome of an Italian Stallion.

Giacomo Casanova

*Key for venus pisces* SERVICE, like Virgo, the opposite sign- pisces either SERVER or are being SERVED depending on the strength of the partner- the roles reverse... enjoy it- role playing is a perfect way to spice up a relationship that has gotten a bit boring. Learn to "talk dirty" ladies- don't be ashamed to express your wildest desires & live out all your fantasies- the only thing that STOPS you, is your own inner fears & insecurities. Most men say they prefer a "round" woman within reason as opposed to a rail thin model type. Embrace your softness.

Pisces needs unconditional love. VENUS supplies this love to almost everyone from the pauper on the street corner to the CEO of a major corporation- here, illusion & idealization could be the many fantasies, not enough time.

Neptune is sometimes referred to as the “higher octave” of Venus. Perhaps this idea comes from the fact that Venus is traditionally exalted in Pisces, and Pisces’ modern ruler is Neptune . However, Pisces’ traditional ruler (before Neptune was discovered) is Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet that has to do with morality, philosophy, and democratic laws which keep us in balance and harmony.

George Washington, the first U.S. president, was a Pisces Sun who also had his Venus in Pisces just two degrees from its highest point of exaltation. He really showed the Jupiter-Pisces side of Venus in his embrace of a new nation founded on laws which promoted freedom.

Venus is of course the feminine archetype in the horoscope. It is for each of us the anima, the feminine aspect of the soul. It is a planet most strongly associated with love. Venus’ sign also shows the image of an ideal lover that we carry around within of us.

Venus is associated with the arts in general, and the voice in particular. It's no surprise that such illustrious female singers as Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Billie Holiday and Celine Dion were all born with Venus in Pisces. The artistic expression (Venus) of fantasy (Pisces) is perfect for actresses Patricia Arquette, Drew Barrymore, Geena Davis, Laura Dern, Bridget Fonda, Michelle Pfeiffer and Vanessa Redgrave, as well as actors John Travolta, Sidney Poitier and Michael Caine.

Writers Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Charles Dickens, Vladimir Nabokov, Anais Nin, Edgar Allan Poe, Carl Sandburg and Jules Verne all reflect the rich Venus in Pisces imagination in their work.

The spiritual side of Venus in Pisces is well represented by metaphysician Manley Palmer Hall, mystical musician George Harrison, well-armed guru Elizabeth Clare Prophet, psychedelic meditator Ram Dass, new age writer-actress Shirley MacLaine, author Ken Keyes and social activist Dr. Martin Luther King.

Three famous people with Venus in Pisces have promulgated their own ideas about love. They are Cosmopolitan's Helen Gurley Brown, Playboy's Prez HUGH HEFNER and the one and only CASANOVA.

The MOST compatible sun/venus signs for PISCES =

Taurus (fixed - earth)
Venus in Taurus produces a practical, stable, and constant persona. Your approach to love and romance is simple and direct. Your sincerity is attractive and often irresistible. You take love seriously and with careful consideration.

Yet, you can be so much fun to be around. You are rarely too serious-acting, moody or unhappy. You know how to have a good time and to help others to do the same. You are easygoing and cheerful most of the time.

There is an attraction to the luxuries of life, and often a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures. You may have a weakness for good food, good wine, fine furnishings and clothes, and many more objects and activities that delight the senses. The best of everything will be yours if you can figure a way to afford it all.

This large appetite extends to love-making and romantic involvement. This sign produces the most earthy sex drive.

When you fall in love, it is usually permanent and dependable. Your nature is faithful and permanent. You require a deep commitment from your partner and you are willing to give the same in return. You are loyal and a one-love person. But your demands on that one lover can be great.

If you feel insecure, you may become jealous and overbearing with your mate. Just as you are loyal and dependable, you are very possessive and jealous if your emotional security is threatened.
Capricorn (Cardinal earth)
If Venus is in Capricorn in your chart it produces a seriousness, a sense of caution, and a degree of pride associated with the affections. You are actually a little timid in love affairs, and very reserved in expressing feelings. Romantic feelings can be extreme strong inside, while on the surface you appear emotionally distant and reserved. Highly restrained, you're unlikely to make an overt public display of emotions. You do display a quiet personal dignity and refinement.

In truth, you are romantically insecure, fearing rejection and loneliness. Emotional feelings are often repressed and seem to be absent most of the time.

This Venus placement often spurs ambitions and the desire for prestige and status. You may indeed be at your charming best in the work environment, since you are so intensely involved in this arena. Often, romantic involvement starts here. Some with Venus in Capricorn seek love and partnership solely because they view it as the appropriate thing to do, and doing the proper thing is so fundamental to the psychology of this placement.

You expect your partner to be a helpmate in the struggle for success and achievement. Though never openly demonstrative, you are steadfast and loyal. You have a very solid and deep sense of responsibility in romantic attachments and marriage. When it comes to commitment, you are definitely the old-fashioned type. You are a one-love person who is extremely dependable.
Cancer (Cardinal water) If Venus is in Cancer in your chart, it produces deeply sensitive feelings. This extreme sensitivity means that feelings can be easily hurt, but you hide this vulnerability behind a somewhat dignified exterior.

You have a very kindhearted and sympathetic nature, but your moods can be fluctuating and unpredictable. You approach love relationships with tenderness and great need, but there is always a sense of caution too. You know you are easily hurt and you want to protect yourself at all times.

The attitude toward relationships is one of nurturing or "mothering," clinging tightly to those you love. You need to be well anchored in a relationship as the feeling of security and stability is all important to you. You like your mate to be demonstrative and provide you with clear signs that your deep feelings are appreciated and returned in kind. To you, love is home and hearth, a nest that is safe and secure. When you achieve this feeling of security, you focus on pay back in kind by doing all you can to nourish your partner's ego and ambitions.

Avoid tendencies to sulk and feel sorry for yourself. Your feeling are so easily hurt, and you try to hide it by pretending it doesn't matter. Sometimes emotions take over, and sentimentality runs wild. You demand so much in romance that you are bound to have a few disappointments along the way. Your "one and only" cannot be one who does not provide the stability you must have. So you must ultimately suffer some breakups when you discover that attribute is missing. You are definitely the one-lover type. When that one stable love comes along, the relationship will be permanent.

Scorpio (fixed water) If Venus is in Scorpio in your chart it no doubt produces a very intense romantic nature. In relationships, you are very straightforward, determined, and direct. You often express excesses of feelings, being very possessive and sometimes jealous.

Scorpio is the sign of physical magnetism. It is the sign of the zodiac that is said to "rule" sex. Born with Venus in Scorpio, you are no doubt a very sexy person. You approach the emotional experience of romance with much intensity and much feeling. In this area of your life, you are an extremist. Your love nature is based on total commitment and complete focus. With you there is no fooling around. You dominate and demand total involvement. Nothing short of this is acceptable.

No matter what happens to you, your dignity is something that is never lost or put aside. The intensity of emotions resulting in this placement make it clear that matters of the heart are taken seriously and personally. You display your strong sense of personal pride and emotional dignity in all that you do.

Because your love desire is so overwhelming, you sometimes become very possessive of your partner. This can be both in a physical as well as a psychological sense. You may express this in minor ways, but in some way or another you tend to control and hold on to the love of your life. You are in control and there is no doubt about it.
Last, but NOT least- its either amazing or stay away- opposites can either ATTRACT or REPEL...
VENUS IN VIRGO (Mutable Earth~ Pisces opposite)

From experience, many of my long term relationships where with venus in earthy signs- they can be materialist & possessive however they provide a container, affection, & strong security which Pisces "secretly craves". Earthy people usually have strong loyal characters unlike fighty air & impatient fire.

Cancer is the best water sign for pisces. Especially when it comes for home/domestic/family life- very fertile. while SCORPIO may start out very passionate, they are very possessive & controlling. Pisces is supposed to be MOST compatible with the "scorpion", they are just NOT for me, maybe its all the air in my chart- I was totally turned off & suffocated by their intensity- It worked for: Demi & Bruce / Elizabeth & Richard Burton (married twice).

Neptune & Soul Mate synastry ~ Star-Crossed Lovers.

Synastry is a complex yet wonderful alchemy of 2 spirits - their energies combined into one soul. There are a few ways to "mix" these energies. One way is by midpoint (which requires exact birth information- time/location/day/month/year, etc...) This is called a COMPOSITE chart. There is also a progressed Davison- which is how the energies are relating in the present as opposed to natal-birth energies.

As far as Neptune/Pisces influences go, I am an expert with a triple dose of mystique - venus-sun- mars conjunction in H6- pisces stellium (which is basically 3 or more planets in the same sign in the same house). My Neptune in Sagittarius is in H3 opposing my Gemini moon H9. Gemini Moon trine Aquarius mercury trine Libra pluto (Grand air trine, looks like a triangle)

Basically, Im ultra sensitive with a strong imagination. Prone to confusion yet highly motivated by my emotions. I go through phases of insecurity which has been deeply rooted from my "tough" childhood (saturn conjunct Libra ascendant ~ rising sign) Yet, Im able to see the positive in even the worst situation (Jupiter conjunct ASC). This might make me seem manic-depressive on the outside. Internally, my confidence is high, Pisces-Neptune is the antithesis of ego so I just do not let my ego control the way other see me.

I will explain birth charts in another blog - just think of the wheel as a pizza separated into 12 slices, representing the 12 signs.

star-crossed lovers

Lovers whose relationship is doomed to
fail are said to be “star-crossed”
(frustrated by the stars), because those
who believe in astrology claim that the stars
control human destiny. William Shakespeare
used the phrase to describe the lovers in
Romeo and Juliet.

Truth be told, Pisces are highly subjective. To less seasoned souls, they may believe we are egocentric, lets leave that to arrogant Aries, the 1st sign & eternal infant of the zodiac. Dont get me wrong, Mars & Neptune share an undeniable Karma & passion. Aries people may seem naive & self centered yet they are wide eyed, always happy, & carry huge hearts. Nobody is perfect.

Pisces, in fact are the most empathetic sign. We internalize our perceptions. Often we make "big" decisions alone without help from anyone else. This is a weakness & strength. Since we are so afraid of being seen as helpless when in fact we really do need the help from stronger individuals who give us much needed confidence to accept who we are since we are insecure. Our intrinsic kindness & sincerity are a saving grace for every fish.

Neptune is an eternally mysterious & greatly misunderstood planet. Astrologically Speaking, this is a planet which represents "pisces"- the 2 fish connected by their tails. They are swimming in opposite directions.

One fish swims upstream to fight "higher" causes such as social injustice or spiritual persecution.

While the other fish floats lazily downstream feeding off the bottom & letting the flow of the river eternally dictate its life path.

Fundamentally, both fish are charming, glamorous, shy, compassionate, and forever fascinating. This is the "illusion" of nebulous Neptune. Any planet or person in direct contact of her haze will always see stars in their gaze.

Upon observing famous charts such as Marilyn Monroe & JFK including my own intimate relationships- I have come to realize that Neptune is the master of deception as well as the feeling that 2 people have found their true love or soul mate.

In the case of Miss Monroe & JFK, there infamous affair was doomed from the start. What made them fall for one another so deeply that he would risk his reputation & she would ultimately risk her life.

To start. her Neptune conjunct his Pallas Athena and vice versa (star crossed lovers). True they were both geminis. (with a tight sun conjunction)

Too many people judge astrology on sun sign alone with little knowledge on synastry.
While the "sun" is an important element, representing ego & basic personality traits. Deep rooted needs, attraction, appearance- physical & public, thought process & more importantly KARMA are influenced by the 9 planets in our solar system, the moon, & asteroids.

If you look deeper in MM & JFK synastry chart, you will see that his "chiron: conjunct her "uranus"- this produces an exciting yet highly unstable & combustible relationship which starts suddenly & ends just as quickly. Marilyn had a grand trine in water signs which made her extremely touchy & much more sensitive than she appeared on the surface. The aspects which made her a convincing actress & popular were~ Gemini sun, Moon in aquarius Neptune in H1 along with leo rising.

Her beauty & charm are connected to her "Karma" - Chiron conjunct venus in aries at th top of her natal chart close to her MC (Midhaven). The public at large saw her as a beautiful albeit helpless creature. Anyone who came across her path could not help but want to love her & protect her since she seemed veulnerable even underneath her glamorous & independant spirit.

Romeo & Juliet had a strong Neptune influence that made the young lovers believe if they could not be together, they would rather die. Its the beauty & tragedy of Neptune. However, those who are saturated with too much earth are too heavy to experience the ethereal power of Neptune.

Pallas Athena
(the goddess which the Greek city of Athens was named after) was also known as the virgin warrior who denied love, physical pleasures, for the sake of independence. She is feminine yet not tied down to domestic life. She was one of the only gods who could not be seduced by Aphrodite (venus). But in this case, she could not resist the power of Neptune (aka the Higher Octave of venus which is why VENUS is
exalted when in the sign of PISCES).

Neptune is "pure" & "unconditional" as opposed to PLuto's obsessive - sexual- atraction. And venus is more of a romantic "seducer" & superficial love- all about image rather than substance.

The concept of "love at first sight" is strictly Neptunian. 9 times out of 10 it was all an illusion. Like being stuck in the desert for days without food or water. First you feel light headed, dizzy much like falling in love. Then the mirages appear as if they are real. You reach your hands out to touch it - nothing is there, its just a pretty image that will never be REAL...

The only thing real is earth- the most realistic signs like Saturn, a stern task master that rules Capricorn- the perfect balance for unrealistic pisces yet may be too grounded in facts. However, wise pisces draws itself to earthy creatures if she is mature & evolved enough. Taurus, ruled by romantic venus is a perfect sexual union- quite fertile in the reproductive department.

Virgo, the polar opposite ruled by mercury could also be a strong grounding point for the flighty fish. However, these people are so critical they must avoid mirrors. They might as well be a magnified glass that bares into the most minor physical & mental imperfections. The hypersensitive fish is unnerved by Virgo energy. However, they both bond over their need to serve- they can fight for the greater good & start a charity that help many people they may never meet in reality. Both are also humble & appreciate when others help them. Together, they can accomplish many wonderful goals since one sign has what the other lacks.

Do you have a strong NEPTUNE influence: Forgiveness, sacrifice, love-at-first sight, illusion, creativity, art, music, dance, service, universal love, fantasy, lucid dreaming, confusion, duplicity, drugs-alcohol-addiction, guilt, self denial...

My personal experience(s) with Neptune: *Coming soon*

Saturday, June 7, 2008

NEPTUNE (the planet) facts...with help from Wikipedia.

Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune.
Noam Chomsky

*~ Neptune:

*Its the 4th LARGEST planet in our solar system.

*It gets its BLUE atmosphere partly from the "methane"- hydrogen & helium are also present

*Its 17 times the mass of earth.

*Neptune has the STRONGEST winds of any planet in the solar system.

*It rules PISCES (along with Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system) , lower octave) - the 12th
& last sign in the zodiac.

*Its southern hemisphere is covered by a GREAT DARK SPOT similar to the GREAT RED SPOT on Jupiter.

Galileo's drawings show that he first observed Neptune on December 28, 1612, and again on January 27, 1613; on both occasions, Galileo mistook Neptune for a fixed star when it appeared very close—in conjunction—to Jupiter in the night sky. Hence he is not credited with Neptune's discovery. During the period of his first observation in December 1612, it was stationary in the sky because it had just turned retrograde that very day. This apparent backward motion is created when the orbit of the Earth takes it past an outer planet. Since Neptune was only beginning its yearly retrograde cycle, the motion of the planet was far too slight to be detected with Galileo's small telescope.[15]

Neptune has a total of 13 moons.

The largest moon is Triton which was discovered by William Lassell just seventeen days after Neptune was found. Then it took one hundred years later to find the second moon, Nereid.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Shiny red car
New like a
Baby star.

The winding road
Didn't know you would be
SO far away to hold.

The rolling green grass
And knobby hills
Thought we would last

Forever like an
Unrelenting fever
The North Sea

Whatever happened to
You and me?

We were swallowed in
The black hole
Of destiny.