Truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.
Its a little known fact that The 3 Wise men were Astrologers/Astronomers who predicted that "Baby Jesus" would be born when Saturn "conjuncts" Jupiter in Pisces.
The planets would also make a configuration we know today as: The Star of David
If you understand astrology configurations- Trines, for example which is basically 3 planets connected by 120 degrees. A grand trine is 3 planets in the same element such as Air, Fire, Earth, or Water.
A kite is an "extension" of the grand trine with a mini triangle connected to the bottom- 3 planets (90 degrees apart) form a sextile aspect- the pinacle of this triange opposes a planet in the trine - it actually looks like a kite which is how it was named.
The "Seal of Solomon" is similar to THE STAR of david - yet its enclosed in a circle (like a natal chart) and specifically Air & Fire respectfully.
Jesus was also supposedly born in March, Christmas used to be celebrated in March- during the time of pisces- this is why the "fish" is the symbol of jesus:
Please read my next blog explaining how this is connected to me...Thank you for reading this far. Crystal xoxo