Sunday, June 22, 2008

Relationship Advice: What does it mean when a man tells YOU- "Im busy"

Excuses, excuses, excuses....

Whatever you do, DON'T nag him!!!

I'm busy means either: 1- He's busy: But seriously, is he the PRESIDENT???

2- He's TOO busy for you = He's not interested in you. Hey, at least he took time out of his "busy" schedule to RESPOND...if he IGNORES you all together ~ FORGET him=)

3- He is already taken- emotionally/physically: men can get "emotionally" attached to a woman as much as we do- the difference is- men are not comfortable feeling rare cases, they PUSH a woman away to avoid getting too attached.

If a man has a "regular" lady but doesn't want to LOSE you- he will never talk about the other woman & make you feel like the only one so he can keep his options open...remember that 2 can play that game..if you're not getting the attention you deserve, get smart & find a man who wants you in his WORLD not just hanging around in his life.

Honey, trust me, I know, its easier said than done. Especially if the sex was very was probably even BETTER for him. So why doesn't he take the time to get to know you better- the REAL you. The INNER you & NOT just your body?

For starters, if he is a busy successful guy- work is his PRIORITY. On the other hand, when he has a couple days of "down time" he has most likely have a bevy of beauties stored in his BLACKBERRY.

YOu might be ONE on his list but NOT #1.

So to protect your heart, do yourself a favor...keep your options open- have fun. If there was a real connection- he will miss you & maybe give in to am ACTUAL date instead of a booty call- this takes lots of time & patience on YOUR part.

I made this mistake many times & pushed the relationship fell steam ahead, not knowing what I REALLY wanted then when he wanted me, I backed off- its a game that can become draining, confusing, & boring- if the challenge gets PLAYED OUT...there comes a point when you want the game to STOP.

If he really cares & respects you he will find a way to let you know- he won't F*ck with your head. And most of all, he will make TIME for you because he knows what a wonderful woman he has waiting in the wings.

NOTE: Don't wait around for a man. always have your own interests- pick up a hobby- learn to enjoy your own company- make new girl friends- anything to distract from a guy- Its the HARDEST thing in the world to accomplish.

Men have a STRONG needy radar, I have learned- MOST of them sense any sign of weakness, they RUN for the hills- then they come back around when THEY need you- its up to you to decide if this is the kind of man you want.

Men who play these kinds of games usually did not have a nurturing relationship from their parents, particularly their MOTHER. I believe the parent of the "opposite sex" determines how we treat our significant others as adults- assuming you are heterosexual.

Men who have not MATURED EMOTIONALLY will keep reliving the relationship they had with their parent(s) until someone they really fall in love with points it out or they decide to change themselves because they are tired of being frustrated & lonely in intimate relationships.

If you have any once of self respect- stand up for yourself. The best thing to do with this kind of CONFUSING & HURTFUL treatment is walk away. Anyone with a conscious given time will see they were WRONG. I've been told by exes who I left that I was the best girlfriend they ever had bc I learned NOT to take their shit!!! Ladies, the longer you stay with a B*stard, the less he will RESPECT you. Believe it...

Break ups are never pleasant. Still, I walked away & never looked back, they still try to contact me via email or telephone- although I've changed my number more than shoes...Im harder to reach than secret service!

Men ALWAYS remember the "one that got away" ~ they usually think fondly of the good times- most dont really appreciate that YOU stood by him through the bad times b/c he felt UNWORTHY of love so he turns his own self loathing onto his "partner". Its NOT fair. Its the TRUTH: when you don't love yourself, you cannot love anybody else.

There are only so many emotional hooks we can use before we run out. If we don't learn to communicate better with the opposite sex, breakups & divorce rates will keep growing ~ families will broken. And children will grow up to be the inconsiderate a**holes who complain about today.

Practice Kindness, forgiveness, patience, & understanding - nurture your current relationship instead of having one foot out the door- something Im guilty of...

I guess if you have found your SOUL MATE- then give it all you got ladies. However, if he's just a jerk who has no RESPECT for you & your emotions, then walk away...and NEVER look back.

(I give the same advice to Women, we still have a long way to go too.)

Peace & Love,

Crystal xoxo