Saturday, June 7, 2008

NEPTUNE (the planet) facts...with help from Wikipedia.

Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune.
Noam Chomsky

*~ Neptune:

*Its the 4th LARGEST planet in our solar system.

*It gets its BLUE atmosphere partly from the "methane"- hydrogen & helium are also present

*Its 17 times the mass of earth.

*Neptune has the STRONGEST winds of any planet in the solar system.

*It rules PISCES (along with Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system) , lower octave) - the 12th
& last sign in the zodiac.

*Its southern hemisphere is covered by a GREAT DARK SPOT similar to the GREAT RED SPOT on Jupiter.

Galileo's drawings show that he first observed Neptune on December 28, 1612, and again on January 27, 1613; on both occasions, Galileo mistook Neptune for a fixed star when it appeared very close—in conjunction—to Jupiter in the night sky. Hence he is not credited with Neptune's discovery. During the period of his first observation in December 1612, it was stationary in the sky because it had just turned retrograde that very day. This apparent backward motion is created when the orbit of the Earth takes it past an outer planet. Since Neptune was only beginning its yearly retrograde cycle, the motion of the planet was far too slight to be detected with Galileo's small telescope.[15]

Neptune has a total of 13 moons.

The largest moon is Triton which was discovered by William Lassell just seventeen days after Neptune was found. Then it took one hundred years later to find the second moon, Nereid.